Monitoring & Control Laboratories has been providing Professional Calibration Services for over 15 years.
We run SANAS Accredited Calibration Laboratories in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 for Temperature & Viscosity Calibrations.
We have fully equipped Laboratories at our offices in Johannesburg and provide both offsite and onsite calibration services.
Our SANAS Calibration Certificate provides local & international recognition that we have met and continue to meet the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 as proven through independent third party assessment by SANAS.
Our Services
Temperature & Viscosity Calibrations
For measurement data to be reliable, measurements must be accurate & precise.
Unless the measurement data is reliable, decisions based on such data cannot be reliable either & consequently, this can affect the output quality from a Company.
Why Calibrate?
For measurement data to be valid and reliable, measurements must be accurate & precise.
Unless the measurement data is reliable, decisions based on such data cannot be reliable either & consequently, this can affect the output quality from a Company.
- Calibration allows you to determine the accuracy & reliability of the Measuring Unit and therefore of the measured data, thus providing confidence in the measurements recorded.
- The accuracy of measuring units declines over time due to drift, wear and tear, defects and damages. Calibration reveals hidden or underlying faults or defects with the Measuring unit that could result in a costly repair or replacement, if not addressed in time.
- Calibration provides quantitative data on the accuracy of the measuring unit.
- Calibration provides measurement traceability.
When Should you Calibrate?
- When it is a new instrument supplied without any Certification.
- When a unit has been repaired or modified or otherwise adjusted
- When measurements are suspected to be inaccurate
- When a unit has been dropped or otherwise damaged
- Periodic, scheduled recalibration to maintain confidence in the accuracy of the measuring unit.
- According to manufacturer recommendations.
Temperature Calibrations
We calibrate:
- Thermometers
- Liquid-In-Glass
- Digital
- Min/Max
- Maximum Thermometers
- Dataloggers
- Fridges and Freezers
- Incubators and Liquid Baths
- Ovens and Furnaces
We are Sanas Accredited to calibrate a broad temperature range of -80°C to 1000°C, please see our complete accreditation schedule in the downloads section of this page.
Fixed Calibration rate based on number of points calibrated – price includes Sanas Calibration Certificate
High discounts for high volume units sent per customer.
Viscosity Calibrations
- We calibrate Rotational Viscometers, please view the downloads section below to see our complete accreditation schedule.
- We calibrate viscometers according to our Standard Calibration Procedures that covers a specific measurement range, alternatively, we can calibrate to your specific requirements.
- Fixed Calibration rate that includes SANAS Calibration Certificate.
- We offer same day turnaround services to meet urgent requests, without charging extra for these emergency services.
- Call us to discuss how we are able to assist you.
***Being an Agent for the Ametek Brookfield brand, we provide a further service with these Viscometers, in that we can repair signs of wear and tear, realign and service internal electronics and then perform calibration adjustments, to eliminate/reduce large errors, the end result restoring Viscometer to Manufacturer Specifications ***
Additional Services
- We set up Re-calibration Programs and will contact you ahead of expiry date on certificate. Speak to our friendly, dedicated staff should you wish to be added to this program.
- We set up Re-calibration Programs and will contact you ahead of expiry date on certificate. Click on this link to be included in this program.

10 Village Crescent
Linbro Business Park
Telephone +27 (0) 11 608 4664
Fax +27 (0) 11 608 4741

Cape Town
Unit A6, Edgemead Business Park
Link Way, Edgemead
Cape Town, 7441
Tel: 0861 109 259
Fax: 0861 109 258

11 Norge Industrial Park
Coral Gate Cove
Southgate Business Park
Umbogintwini, Durban
Telephone +27 (0) 31 914 2912
Fax +27 (0) 86 516 1141
Email: or