
Fully-automatic system for the determination of the equilibrium boiling point of engine coolants and brake fluids conforming to ASTM-D1120 and SAE-J1704


The system is designed for fully-automatic operation conforming to ASTM-D1120 to determine very precise and reproducible to the boiling point of engine coolants and brake fluids.
A complete test can be done in approx. 8-15 minutes. An indelible print out with all results is performed automatically and additionally a PDF-file can be created for network connectivity.
The product is being charged and heated up to the boiling point. The drop rate of the condensed product is being detected and registered by means of an optical sensor. Up to the point when the optimal and pre-selectable drop rate per second is achieved the system will control the heating power by pulse duration modulation. The system controls the operation until the required equilibrium is stabilized. The temperature of the liquid is being measured by means of very precise temperature sensor.
By using a barometric sensor the boiling point correction is being calculated and presented via programmed formula. All parameters are variable in order to follow different applications and test procedures in the same system.
PILODIST 1120 CC can be operated in different measuring modes to be selected via an integrated touchpanel. All parameters are indicated during the measuring process as well as the results. The basic included test methods are:
Technical data:
Filing volume: 60ml
Working pressure: ATM
Temperature measure: max. 450° C
Temperature measurement: Type A:
Up to + 320° C
Resolution 0.01° C
Accuracy 0.5° C
Type B:
Up to +450° C
Resolution 0.1° C
Accuracy 0.5° C
Pressure measurement: 900mbar bis 1100mbar
Resolution 0.1mbar
Accuracy 1mbar