Refractometers – Benchtop – RX5000i, RX7000i, RX9000i

The RX-I Series offers self-diagnosis capability with a touch screen and user scale. By far the most accurate refractometer in the world. Featuring intuitive touch screen technology, the new RX-I Series makes navigation and selection a breeze.

RX5000i: Standard model

Accuracy: ±0.03% Brix and ±0.00004 Refractive index (nD)

RX7000i: Wide range, high temperature

Accuracy: ±0.1% Brix and ±0.0001 Refractive index (nD)

RX9000i: Wide range, high accuracy, high temperature

Accuracy: ±0.03% Brix and ±0.00004 Refractive index (nD)

For more information, click here